
Showing posts from March, 2018


Xenophobia, a disease or just a sick mentality… What is Xenophobia? Xenophobia is a dislike or prejudice towards people from different regions of the Earth. The ‘phobia’ part is a bit problematic really because, xenophobia isn’t directly a ‘fear’, it’s a societal or political problem that stems from a psychological issue.   However, people south of the equator or rather the African continent have redefined the term Xenophobia, it has turned into hatred and the dislike of people from other African countries and no longer a fear of foreign nationals. : The Impact of Social Media on xenophobia. Advantages Social Media can be of great use when it comes to xenophobia, one way that it can be of benefit is that it creates awareness and is also a form of news to other people who are c...


                                                                                                 BACK TO THE KASI LIFESTYLE, WHERE DREAMS BECOME A REALITY. In South Africa Townships don’t exist, townships are known as a “kasi”, this is taken from   tsotsi taal. For those of you who don’t know what tsotsi taal is, it is basically a street language used in townships and can be very interesting. The aim of this blog post is to find out how a public relations practitioner or anyone for that matter can use social media strategically to address certain issues or raise awareness.         ...